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When it all ends


Blood splashed over his face as his sword sliced a head off its body . Breathing heavily and gasping for air , he felt like he was on flames . His magnificent strength can take more lives . He was just getting started . Everything  around him was red . Rejoicing the end of one of his enemies , he marched forward with his sword held high . Many came running towards him , only to taste the essence of his blade . An arrow brushed past his hair . He turned back and threw his sword which landed on his skull . He went back and pulled his sword , leaving a big gash in his head , blood gushing out . He stood there , watching the light leave his eyes . He despised these spineless backstabbers .

Circled by a group of archers , he stood there motionless . He looked around and his lips curled up to a big grin , on seeing the fear in their eyes and the sweat trickling down their heads . In just a flash , he split  his sword , revealing a double blade and he was waiting for them to make the first move . An arrow grazed his shoulder – Poor aim . Disappointment and fear rushing their nerves , they all let out an arrow , just to meet their ends . He dodged and let the arrows pierce through their bodies . He then stood up and looked at them . Fear is something you wouldn’t want to bring in a war field .

With a blade in both this hands , waiting to take more lives , he moved forward .His warriors were doing well . He was proud of them . He was now standing in the front waiting for a more worthy opponent .His felt the lands tremble on something rushing towards him . A giant !! 8 feet tall and huge , carrying a hammer , running towards him , breaking anything that stood in its way . He could the sense the fun beginning . Elated , he ran towards the giant , and boosted himself up at the right point and was for a moment in the air , with his blades in front of him , pointing to the giant’s heart . He was like a huge arrow in motion towards the target .Excruciating pain from a great force , pushed him from his target . He was drummed by the giant’s hammer , on his side . He quickly regained his stand , trying to push the pain aside . The giant threw the hammer towards him . Ah ! A weak move . His father had told him not to lose his weapon in war . He has got a small window of opportunity , and he knows better than to waste one . He threw his blade , which went piercing the air towards the giants heart . It just blocked it and pushed it to the side . It didn’t know it was just a distraction . In that window of time , a sword ran up its jaw to the skull and it clumsily dropped down kneeling . He pulled his blade out and kicked it backwards .

The sun was drowning , leaving the sky a bright red . It was as if the the sky is drenched in blood . Everything was turning red around him . His warriors slowly moved towards him , waiting for the next wave of attack . Heavy breathing and the stench of raw blood , filled his senses . His wound , was still bothering him , but he was determined not to let the pain conquer him . They marched forward in unison and stopped at a trench and looked down at the heap of mutilated bodies covered in their own blood .

An arrow swirled and dug deep into his abdomen and pushed him back a bit . Everyone was filled with shock . Few of his warriors jumped into the pit to locate the source and the others formed a protective circle around him . Arrows and swords rained down at them . They were coming from everywhere . His wide went wide on seeing his comrades dropping down , from what what seemed to be a wind of arrows . He found them . They were all hiding under the corpses . Masking them with the blood and bones of their own people . He didn’t not anticipate such a treacherous move .


Pic Courtesy :  When the dust settles – Kaytara .

His warriors though wounded , fought valiantly and and killed those pathetic spineless cowards . It was when , he dropped down , face hard on the ground . He rushed and turned back to see his archrival  standing over him .

“The arrow that you were shot with is laced with a deadly poison . You will soon die .  ” , he said smiling at him . “More than your strength and weapon , it is your this that matters ” , he said , pointing his finger towards his head . “No good in being brave and honest , Cunning and treachery are those that will take you to riches . You have lost ” , he roared , grinning wolfishly . “I will not give you the honor of dying in my hands . You shall die of the poison ”, he mumbled and turned his back and strolled away .

Defeat and poison clouded his eyes . Everything was turning dark and he couldn’t even hear his own breathing .


  1. as usual nice description da.. could visualize the scene well.. warriors hiding under corpses was a nice twist at the end :)


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