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Showing posts from September, 2015

Empty thoughts..

Staring at my phone I sit on a stone bench, with the music of the birds,  the roar of the fountain, the buzzing sound of the bees around these beautiful flowers keeping me company.  The breeze strokes my face gently,  making me forget everything around me and whispers in my ears that happiness is all around. Yes it is,  but for me it seems quite far away... Way beyond those roaring fountains and the concrete building. This place soothes me,  the place away from faces,  words,  emotions and responsibilities but I can't stay here.  Although I love this little paradise I found, I still have to get back to my world... The world full of keyboards and the usualities.  This patch of green that's  something close to wilderness and the solitude is making me sit for hours and I have been.. But I need to move out.. Here in this paradise of mine,  there is no room for anger,  disappointments,  failure,  or any kind of emotions.  It's just you and the flowers here make you feel the wa