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The road to perdition


(An attempt in writing a story)

Breathing heavily , soaked in sweat and hands stained with blood they both kept running through the dark pathway , surrounded on both sides by life-less trees and ravens feeding on dead bodies . It’s a place where no light can enter . It’s a road , taken by many in recent times .


“We have been running for a long time and we have crushed many lives ” , said one of them , worried .

“Don’t think about the past my friend . We have to do this . We have to , for what lies at the end of this road ” , replied another , with stern determination and scratching the big scar on his cheek he added  , “It is necessary that we waste them . We should be the only one to own that ” .

Together than ran , not stopping for anything and not knowing what lies ahead . All they wanted was to reach the end of it . Blood splashed from the roads when they ran . They stopped suddenly hearing a low moan from the mist the stood before them . They glanced at each other , surprised .The mist and the voice sent a chill down their spine . They moved slowly through the mist , taking each step carefully . The voice was getting clearer and they could make out , that someone was crying for help . Suddenly , something grabbed his legs and they both jumped back in shock . Then , they realized that , it was the man crying for help . He had fallen into this pit , somehow . One of them went and kneeled down to help him .

“Stop !!! Don’t help him out . He may trick us and moreover we don’t want a stranger in our company” .

The other , gave a confused look wondering what has gotten into his friend that has made him a monster , and stepped back . The rude guy , came front , took his gun out of his jacket and shot 3 bullets down the pit , after which the moaning stopped . They , then moved forward and started moving swiftly , and stopped again after sometime when they heard footsteps in front of them . They moved slowly and found a girl , running towards the road’s end . She stopped and turned back , with a suspicious look . After glancing around , she started moving again .

One of them , threw a knife towards her back . The knife flew , towards her . It was a perfect aim but she ducked at the right moment and missed it .

“Come out you spineless maggots . How do you think I came so far ..I have wasted more lives than yours..I know you are there come out ..” , she shouted , staring in the direction from where the knife came . They both , stepped out of hiding and stood facing her .

“Don’t want any competition , Do you ??? ” , she said in a mocking tone and took her gun and shot at one of them , so quickly , that they didn’t have time to move . The bullet drove through one’s shoulder and he fell back , wincing and wining in pain . The other scar faced guy , moved forward and fell to his knees and started begging for his life . She came towards him and said , “You filthy moron . You don’t have any honor . All my life I have never seen a man , kneeled and crying for his life” and started laughing wildly . Taking that to his advantage , he darted towards her , and plunger a knife into her chest and gave her a beastly grin . She laughed back spitting blood and said , “ You treacherous , honor less being !!! “ and closed her eyes welcoming death .

He moved to his friend and took him in his hands .

“Please help me !!! ” , cried his friend . But he closed his eyes and  placed a gun at his heart , which he took from that girl . His friend’s eyes went wide , “I’m your friend , we were going to do this together …please don’t do this to me …” , he cried tears rolling down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry . You were always the weak one , I have no use for you anymore and there cant be two knives in a hilt” , said the other one .

“You have become a monster . What is all this ??? What is this for ??”

“This is survival , my friend and weaklings like you cannot win ” , he replied and pressed the trigger , sending his friend to the far beyond . He had become a complete beast .He scoured his friends clothes for anything that’s useful and started running again .

After a few more monstrous acts ,he kept running. Weak and tired ,he tripped down and  found it hard to rise again . He closed his eyes and flashes of memory started hitting him .He has left his family in perils , cheated and killed many , even his friend . All for what lies beyond . He is and always has been the stubborn one . So , he tried his best and stood up and started strolling through . He found something glinting right in front of him , which made his heart pound fast and he tried running towards it . Thirst for power and wealth , in his eyes , he went near it and found a huge silver gate in front of him . Adrenaline rushing through his veins he opened it and went in , for gold and diamonds , but all he saw was fire blazing  from everywhere , people like him burnt down and few still crying and moaning in pain . His heart dropped down to his shoes .

“This is not what I came for …No……” , he cried  burying his face in his hands .

“This is Hell and this is where you belong ” , came a voice echoing from within and fire pulled him into it , for eternal damnation .



  1. Looks like  a weird dream...nice post though...
    Any msg in it??

  2. Thanks....yes thr is a message in it.....what people are ready to do , for power and wealth these days ..

  3. Nice one. Bala kitta assisstant aayidu :P

  4. Nice post man, beautifully written, greed can turn a man into a beast....

  5. nice work dude! I am a fan now :)

  6. heyy gr8 imagination.,gud work.,awaiting something inspiring (mixd vd fun) too from u[jus a suggestion].. i bliv d youngsters of genx r in dire need of it.,happy blogging..

  7. Thanks :)  will try sumthin on tht genre :)


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