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What If - I were blind

This "What If " is one of the ideas i have been keeping dozed for a while in the dark corner of my mind . Now , I guess , the time has come to wake it up .

So , here goes the very first post on the "What - If " section .

Most of us , hate darkness . This fear has been dwelling deep inside us right from childhood . When i was a kid , i believed that there were mean denizens of dark , lurking to hurt you . I was so damn scared to take in as much as a foot inside a dark room .The fear of what lies inside sends chills down the spine . Now all those incidents brings a smile on my face . Im pretty sure that you might as well have had some experiences as such . (Ahem ! !! here goes a philosophy : Isnt it more like the fear of future - all dark and misty . I believe its the fear that keeps us running alive ) . Would you dare walk into a old house in the outskirts of the city , spooky and isolated , right in the middle of night ?? . I certainly wont . Not that im scared ..Ahem ..Ahem...Why get into unnecessary trouble ?? :-p

So , coming to the point . I think i've strolled around enough . I saw a physically challenged man in the bus stop . A dim light flickered in my mind . I grinned , wolfishly . I have got an idea to write about :) - What If , i were blind .

The realization that they spend their lifetime , a whole lifetime , in dark , with only the light of hope and confidence guiding them , amazed me . It was more of the Awe factor . So , when i reached college , i picked a safe road (i did not want to fall or get hurt), and tried to walk with my eyes closed . I very well know that our movie heroes have tried out this concept , a lot , to chase after blind heroines . But no harm in just trying , Is there ??

As I closed my eyes and let the darkness engulf me , so many visions flashed through my mind .
  1. I stumbled and fell down , and  rose up with a bloody face .
  2. A vehicle hit me and the driver was abusing me in all possible words he could get rattling his brain .
  3. I fell into a pit .
  4. Someone was watching and teasing me .I was standing motionless and embarrassed .
So many , in almost a blink of an eye . I understood the real difficulty and took a deep breath and slowly the waves of fear , ebbed .

I started to walk , more confidently , but slowly . My other senses came to my aid . I stopped for a second to listen . Birds chirping somewhere in those wide spread , long branches of the trees , the low murmuring of people inside the building , the buzzing noises of the vehicles out my campus , the whoosh of the wind and above all the slow beating of my heart . It was quite something actually .

I reached the end of the road and i wanted to take a peek . I started voting inside me , and finally chose to do so . I was near the wifi-hut . I extended my hands slowly to the brick fence and walked along with my hands following the hardness of the cement .There was a gap and i moved in , found a seat and touched the table . It was marble or granite or something of that sort . It was cold , cold as ice , but oddly comforting . I sat down and sought to enjoy the feeling and experience more of this . 

It was then , i heard someone giggling behind me . I winced . Turned back and found a friend . He chuckled , at my surprised face . "Hey !! Have you made friends with some visually challenged girl ??" , he asked . I scowled . "Or , are you trying to get some attention from anyone spl " , he grinned extending the last word . Same expression from me again . There was a pause and he said , "Its ok , lets go some where else and start the work" . I stood up and left with him .


  1. Really nice post!! Although I sometimes wonder what someone who doesn't see will feel about it; I mean they don't even know what 'being able to look' is - it must be incomprehensible for them.
    I don't see myself trying anything of this sort; I am still pretty paranoid about darkness.


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