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Good Vs Evil

A long fought battle , in words , thoughts and in action which has left us confused .
A new born baby doesn't know the difference between the two . Life begins with belief . Growth is led by the senses and senses are the store keeper of our memories . So where does this good and evil wind up in the complicated pattern of our life .
Is it the factors of life that determine our status or the intricate genetic pattern that we are born with . If science claims it to be pre-determined , then do we believe in fate ? . The path of life , stores the idea of good and evil in our mind somewhere . Most of us walk in the line in-between , with the possibility of stepping into any side in a moments notice . We either believe or pretend , what we do is right or wrong . Nobody can assume how we will react in a bad situation . Throw a stone into our perfect life , and then we will know how we react .
We see good  in a caring mother and evil in a serial killer . One can give a hundred or more examples from myth , movies or real-life . But is it easy to mark a person today ? . Behind the closed doors and the ever smiling mask of being a social animal , there is so much that goes unnoticed . A sudden glint of hatred/anger in a calm soul and a glimpse of love in a murderous monster - anything can happen anytime . These cannot be asked for explanations and cant be reasoned with . It truly is a mystery to understand .

In our life we go through certain amazing moments and a few unavoidable disasters . If there is Jesus , there is lucifer . If there is Gandhi , there is hitler . Black and white is a part of everything . You smashed my building , now I crush your country . This is what world is like .  .A thin line is what that separates both .Some openly step over the line and some show us only what they want us to see . Its quite a disturbing thought that we do not know what lures inside the one we walk past in our life .Animals hunt and kill for survival . But aren't we better than them , having an extra sense ?? Even animals dont hunt their own species !!

Unless we learn the clear distinction and move to the enlightenment , we remain as children walking in adult forms , not knowing the reality of life . Being good is not a easy job and i can quote only a few names as examples . All this has become a part of our survival . Today , a pure white finds it hard to shine . It can and does shine only with a glint of black , making it a very lighter shade of grey which we all perceive to be pure and unadulterated .
So can we ever learn this ? Are monks and sages the only few who have mastered the art ? Is that the kind of life one will have if we understand the difference ? Is it , in anyway , possible to separate the colors from grey ? Can the complex pattern be untangled ?
As always this topic leaves us with more questions and a distressed state of mind .


  1. Hehe, some blogposts you write create new questions to answer, that´s also a pattern.Good and evil have always existed and my belief is my faith as a christian on this topic.I know there is a constant battle between angels and demons in the spiritual world and simply, I am on the good side.

  2. The thing about christians is that they have this know-it-all arrogance and certainty that they are better than everyone else. It seems to me you do not get it, Mattias Kroon.

    1. Totally agree, I believe in god! Having said that,Theres not 1 religion on this planet that truly knows GOD, Why does god need so much money? Answer, He doesnt. The vatican has enough money to wipe out poverty from the face of this planet in a single day! Why dont they? Theres no power to be gained doing that! Theres other religions worse than them,better than them but at the end of the day they all have there own agendas, The care and needs of the people who need it go unanswered and the needy suffer while these religions get richer! As i said i do believe in God but i follow no religion, God knows i love him and im sure as long as i do my best toward my fellow man, I will have a place with him when my body fails me.

  3. W are not on a level than animals or nature. It is the exact opposite. We believe that we are on a higher level than nature, but nature will still exist long after we have ceased to... Very well expressed piece and I agree 200%!
    Peace, light, love and blessings...

  4. Inside us all we have two personalities battling to be free

    One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

    The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

    The one that win is the one we feed..

  5. Hello! Where did you get that ying yang? Who made it?
    P. Sorinkas.

  6. @Sorinkas : sorry ..forgot to mention the courtesy ...i borrowed it from

    1. Hi again!
      Thanks for answering, I asked because I will use this to create a musical piece. When I finish it I will post the link here.

    2. Hi again!
      Here is the link to the piece I've made.


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