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Placement experience - The first and best !!!

It was 10th when i had my ppt for TCS placement . I entered college by  around 4 p.m.  I always see people chatting and laughing loudly all through the premises , but everything was different that day . The strong sense of seriousness spread all through my college .It was a strong aura and it was more strong near the auditorium . There were murmuring , whispers of so many questions , and a few giggles here and there . One could see the lines of questions running through everyone's mind as their face looked so grim as if they are about to enter a battle -a battle indeed but why so serious ?!! . The evening sun started to flicker , it went to sleep very soon that day . The darkness creeped in and so did the anxiety and tension . The ppt was over , was the usual kind  , with some really dumb questions from the students side which drove our director crazy . I dont think i can forget that face for sometime , he stared as though he was going to slice through , but not his fault , who would stay calm if people start asking questions which they r not supposed to !

The next day was the interview . I expected a whole lot bigger crowd than it was ,that day .Everyone was in their own world , engulfed in thoughts and preparation . A few were light , laughing and making fun . They made the tension ease . They were like the specs of light in a dark cave . Their corona spread widely , and everyone kinda returned back from their thoughts . It was fun then , till we were separated for the interview . I got separated from my crew , but thank god ! , i had miki with me . We were roaming , peeking through all the windows and doors that came across , to get an idea of the atmosphere and to decide on where to sit , seeing the faces of HR . We were , probably I was in an idea , that i could judge them by seeing their faces and to choose the one that seemed easy to handle .As i was serious in my analysis , there came a voice , bold but wavering , guess he wasn't concentrating only on us . He asked for our resume and took us to a corridor and asked us to sit there .We had no idea where our resumes went . The corridor looked alien , and a few boys sitting opposite to us , was staring  but i could sense so much fear in them . Most of their hands twitched and a few were hitting their heads in big books and were asking the interviewed , about the scenario inside . I was wondering if we came to the wrong section and it didnt feel quite right . Miki enquired about their department , and we were taken aback to know that they were M.C.A . Oh!  no , i was worried if i am going to grilled with tech questions . But miki was cool , that helped me to get back to my usual self . I had confidence in my language and wit (scene podradhu) . "Saravanan . A" , shouted a voice from the corner , he left to last room . He took more time than the others to return back , i was wondering what was going on , probably he is writing some programs . Miki is always good at that , but what will i do , if asked to code something . It was creepy . I distracted myself observing others . It had always been great fun in doing that , and my heart started beating  normally , the high pitch rhythm vanished , it was a low note now . Then came miki , with all smiles , everyone there was anxious to hear what he was going to say , and he said "It was easy da , no coding , nothing , just HR questions" . I gave a huge sigh of relief ,"Appa ! no coding " . Then miki left , it was my turn now . I went in calm and cool . Questions were obvious , a few tricky , but i answered well , with my eyes steady and with a few hand gestures . I guess i communicated well and they liked my answers . Got a few " Good " here and there . I could see it in their eyes that they liked my answers . It was definitely more than 20 min , but flew like dust in a strong wind . The day's work is done .Now all that i had to do , is wait till the next day for results .

I entered the audi by 4 on sunday, it was unbelievably crowded . The same aura existed here . I was lost in random thoughts . Then started the meeting with the HR giving feedbacks and thanks . I guess nobody paid any interest . The director announced that he will be reading out the results now . The dark blue background turn misty and black .Suddenly everything went silent . It was only the pounding of so many hearts . The director looked as though he had a glowing ring over his head . As he went on , the silence broke slowly . I was waiting for him to utter one word , one name .I guess everyone had the same feeling . "Ranjith . N - PRPC , Karthikeyan Muru - PRPC" , something pulled me down , i was falling deep down in a creepy hole , but suddenly  there came a glowing hand for my rescue and pulled me up and i found myself back in the audi , and then heard "Hari Kumar.R - PRPC" , the mist vanished - Ka'boom .My cell phone beeped , it was an SMS from Muru - "U r placed " . The aura lifted , it was like , i had wings protruding out from me and i was flying over cloud nine . Another beep and then i came back . I could see many faces with so much delight , shaking hands and cheering for their friends , and messaging  . And  a few looked  sulky . The names were announced , it was all over . Came out of the audi after some motivational speech given , then went directly to CUIC with friends to see my name on the list . We were really glad and after some chatting i left home .I felt bad for those who deserved but lost  . Boarded the bus and went home with a heart full of happiness . It was a wonderful experience , a lovely memory to cherish for a lifetime , the first and the best .

Hari Kumar.R


  1. Congrats da!
    As u said 'overa scene pottu irukka'
    All the best for your future!

    And anyway u have to do the coding pa!

  2. dei naan panna comedy ellam poodalaiya!!!
    blabbering to tht useless ,walking, to n fro, so called TCS employee!!!!

  3. @yogesh : Thanks ....ill learn thatasap...

  4. @sara : nee olarna comedya potta ..unna romba mokka payanu decide panniduvaanga da....i have maintained your image to be be a calm and composed with so much talent ....

  5. dei.... thts not vetti scene.. thats something of ur own identity !!! Congrats!! and i need that part of mickey.. v ll discuss it later..

  6. it is true about the atmosphere hari... i ll always remember TCS as the day i was more worried about my friends getting placed than me. that day when people congratulated me i didnt know whether i should be happy to have gotten placed or be sad for all those friends who hadnt gotten in.

  7. @ aishwarya : thats true ....even i found it difficult to face them....hope they get a better place to work ..

  8. @hari congrats man....

  9. @ aishwarya : thats true ....even i found it difficult to face them....hope they get a better place to work ..

  10. @sara : nee olarna comedya potta ..unna romba mokka payanu decide panniduvaanga da....i have maintained your image to be be a calm and composed with so much talent ....


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