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Jeova sanctus unus

One of the world’s greatest scientists.He was an alchemist, a member of the Royal Society of London, a Rosicrucian, and he signed some of his most secretive science papers with a pseudonym —‘Jeova Sanctus Unus’! which means “One True God”.
He signed his name that way because, like the ancient Adepts, he understood himself as divine. In addition, because the sixteen letters in Jeova Sanctus Unus could be rearranged to spell his name in Latin, making it a perfect pseudonym.

Jeova Sanctus Unus is an anagram of a famous alchemist’s name in Latin. Latin interchanges the letters J for I and the letter V for U, which means Jeova Sanctus Unus can actually be perfectly rearranged to spell this man’s name.

Isaacus Neutonuus.

Newton’s name had always been a recurring guidepost for those seeking secret knowledge.

Great man and a brilliant one indeed!!!

A List of Prominent Pseudonyms

[N.B. - née, nee (adj.) appears in American English both with and without the acute accent of its original French. It is the feminine past participle of the French verb meaning “to be born” and so indicates a woman’s maiden name (Mary Smith-Jones, née Smith). Extended use sometimes has it to mean “formerly known as” and applies it to the original names of men and women whose aliases or pen or stage names are more widely known than their original ones (Leon Trotsky, née Lev Davidovich Bronstein; Dame Margot Fonteyn, née Margaret Hookham). It has even been stretched to include place names (Cape of Good Hope, née Cape of Storms). Conservative editors generally prefer “originally,” “once,” or even “aka” to these extended uses. Pronunciation of née rhymes with either “say” or “see,” although the latter bothers many who speak French.]

"A" nee Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)

"Acton Bell" nee Anne Brontë (1820-1849) [also "Olivia Vernon," "Alexandria Zenobia"]

"Anonymous" nee Joe Klein (b. 1947)

"Boz" nee Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

"Currer Bell" nee Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) [also "Marquis of Douro"]

"Diedrich Knickerbocker" nee Washington Irving (1783-1859)

"Pauline Réage" nee Dominique Aury (1908-1998)

"Ellis Bell" nee Emily Brontë (1818-1848)

"George Eliot" nee Mary Anne Evans Cross (1819-1880)

"George Orwell" nee Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950)

"George Sand" nee Armandine-Aurore-Lucie Dupon (1804-1876)

"HD" nee Hilda Doolittle (1886-1961)

"Jack Duluoz" nee Jean-Louis Lebrid "Jack" Kerouac (1922-1969)

"Jebediah Cleisbotham" nee Walter Scott (1771-1832) [also "Malchai Malagrowther"]

"Jeova sanctus unus" nee Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

"Leon Trotsky" Lev Davidovich Bronstein (1879-1940)

"Mark Twain" nee Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910)

"Marquis de Sade" nee Comte Donatien Alphonse Françoise (1740-1814)

"Molière" nee Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673)

"Nathanael West" nee Nathan Wellensten Weinstein (1903-1940)

"O. Henry" nee William Sydney Porter (1862-1910)

"Publius" nee Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), John Jay (1745-1829), James Madison (1751-1836)

"Saki" nee Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916)

"Silence Dogood" nee Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

"Voltaire" nee François Marie Arouet (1694-1778) [also "Catherine Vadé," "Guilluame Vadé"]

"Zola" nee Edouard Charles Antoine (1840-1902)

The Rosicrusians

Videos on the Rosicrusians

Rosicrucianism (symbol: the Rose Cross) is the theology of a secret society of mystics, allegedly formed in late medieval Germany, holding a doctrine "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm."

Between 1607 and 1616, two anonymous manifestos were published, first in Germany and later throughout Europe. These were Fama Fraternitatis RC (The Fame of the Brotherhood of RC) and Confessio Fraternitatis (The Confession of the Brotherhood of RC). The influence of these documents, presenting a "most laudable Order" of mystic-philosopher-doctors and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", gave rise to an enthusiasm called by its historian Dame Frances Yates the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment".

In later centuries many esoteric societies have claimed to derive their doctrines, in whole or in part, from the original Rosicrucians. Several modern societies, which date the beginning of the Order to earlier centuries, have been formed for the study of Rosicrucianism and allied subjects.

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Good Lord ! This Dan Brown is just so awesome.....

Read the whole book online


  1. He signed his name that way because, like the ancient Adepts, he understood himself as divine. In addition, because the sixteen letters in Jeova Sanctus Unus could be rearranged to spell his name in Latin, making it a perfect pseudonym..........


  2. He signed his name that way because, like the ancient Adepts, he understood himself as divine. In addition, because the sixteen letters in Jeova Sanctus Unus could be rearranged to spell his name in Latin, making it a perfect pseudonym..........



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