Thermodynamics is a favourite subject of mine.We enjoyed learning thermodynamics and it was simply great when Mr.Pandiyarajan happened to teach us during second year.Now in the name of"Petroleum Thermodynamics" we are learning all those again , but its worse now. Thinking why!...its because of the faculty.The notes he gives is total rubbish. "What do u mean by a steady state?" ,if this question is asked people will try to define it as technical as possible, but do know wat this was explained it is..."If a state is steady , it is called as steady state". Starting with these basic stuffs its gets even more complicated when it goes advanced. Its very hard to sit in the class listening to such nonsense. And one more thing.....have u ever heard of the word "Advanced Basics"?...well, we have...! When told to the concerned faculty that all these were already studied..we were informed that those were basics and now its advanced basics..Guess what! there is no change or any advanced concepts in what he is teaching us now .Thermodynamics is supposed to be an interesting subject , but now it has turned out to be a .................u know what!....
Special Mention: If u take his precious note book from him when he is teaching.....thats all...he cant move or speak...he'll stay there bluffing something....or just staring at u.
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