A war is raging . Echoes of shrieking from a creature of madness . Running berserk and smashing everything around . It pays no heed to the voices of redemption . Its is trying to rip itself open to release the frustration . A war is raging , in my mind . Can no longer take it , can no longer control it . The walls of my mind keep breaking down . The creature’s prison shattered to pieces .It keeps biting and kicking , slamming against everything . It had drowned out the day , making its miserable . Music , movies and nothing couldn’t stand in its way . The exiled creature is back to claim its price after years . A day long torment wont be enough , it asks for more . A small sign of weakness , disappointment and hurt , the sense of isolation and abandonment has eased the walls of its prison . I can feel the earth tremble below my eyes or is it me trembling . Its growling is making me mad . I have to imprison it or sink it down , I cannot let it loose or it will waste everythi...