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Ophiuchus and the Mayan Calendar

This is an article by Rush Allen
I would like you to consider the September 11, 2001 WTC Disaster in New York City in light of the highlighted words that most people are in agreement with. We seem to be oblivious to the fact that events like the 9-11 WTC event do not happen without a transcendent dimension. The focus on the 2012 debate is another Westernized rationalization; what Jenkins says happens when "you translate a multidimensional, advanced, wholistic paradigm into a linear, materialistic, fragmented framework of understanding."  If you are going to properly develop the 2012 debate on your web site, I suggest that you begin to bring the transcendent dimension into the topic, otherwise, your site will simply become a philosophical library for words that do not carry any meaning. 

I have applied the fundamental thesis of the Maya 2012 date, the Denderah Zodiac virgin birth, the pyramids of Egypt, and a direct correlation of the tomb artifacts of Tutankhamun to the 9-11 WTC event. All of these are also displayed together with the scriptures of the Abrahamic theologies of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and the ancient asterisms of the gods; what Plato called the embroidery of the heavens. When the  transcendent dimensions are applied holistically to the events, the  9-11 WTC event joins the Sodom and Gomorrah, Armageddon, and 13 Baktun traditions into one holistic apocalypse. This is precisely what the ancients had predicted. The fact that it comes 11 years early for the 2012 event may be a result of numerical nuances in the 13 Baktun calculations, or it may be a clear duality ( 1+1) calling forth the two dimensions. But, there is no question that all of these prophesies predict an event of cosmic proportions, after which human existence will not be the same. 

The Maya stories may be the easiest to interpret, for they depict the birth of First Father from the mouth of First Mother. These are celestial events that are directly seen in the placement of the "dark rift" at Aquila that represents the mouth of Quetzalcoatl. Beyond the mouth of Quetzalcoatl is the center of the galaxy (Cosmic Womb). Stella 25 from Izapa is an exact replication of the time and celestial orientation of the WTC when the destruction began (, and it tells the time of the beginning of the next 13 Baktun. 

At the instant the first red rays of the sun touched the top of the antenna on WTC 1, the planet Saturn was on the zenith meridian at the head of the bull, Taurus, and Pluto was directly on the nadir meridian on the hip of Hun Hunahpu (Ophiuchus). In other words, the Armageddon at New York City coincided precisely with nearly every great "time prophecy" for the "moment of the first occasion" that have been passed on in monuments and legends for the last 13 Baktun. There is little question that the people of the Americas saw a new beginning, and a rebirth in the cosmos. That is precisely what the ancients had forecast. 

I bring this to your attention, because what Jenkins says is clearly true in this case; A reduction of what was translated will result. The reduction is so severe that none of the spiritual message is even being considered by the modern "wizards" of ancient prophecy. September 11, 2001 is another of many preludes that have been occurring in accordance with the ancient Mayan and Egyptian calendars, and with the Abrahamic scriptures. The reason why the correlation is so precise, is because the spirits the calendars and scriptures that were addressed are the same forces that are dramatically affecting the current events of the world. Forget Nostrodamus and "eyeballs" in the Pacific. When the Twin Towers of the modern Babel fall to the ground, we must retain some reference to sincerity with regard to what the ancients dedicated their lives to. The dawn sacrifice of Quetzalcoatl that caused the creation to begin with the "First Sun Rise" is happening all around us, as we read the futile debates over enigmatic esoteric meanings. Reality was the dimension of the ancient Ball Court. Reality is still the dimension of the modern cataclysm. 

So, as you "SCOOP" the world, it might be worth paying attention to the current events in light of the ancient wisdom. I would disagree with Jenkins on the idea that "we live in an age of extreme materialism where progress is measured by scientific advancement and our increased ability to manipulate the physical domain."  This is only half truth. I doubt if anyone can accept that the great monolithic monuments were not tokens to manipulate the physical domain. The missing truth is that we have not become materialistic as a way of progress, we have become anti-spiritual as a means to avoid fear of the unknown. It is the fear of the unknown, that creates the irrational expressions of superstitious judgments in modern science. Those same fears are what brought the Twin Towers of the WTC to the ground. The scientific communities are afraid of the spiritual dimensions, and are oblivious to the possibilities of ignored spiritual messages. And the spiritual communities are afraid of the punishment for material arrogance because they are overwhelmed by the spiritual dimension. These two fears clash in the Maya Ball Courts like the Hero Twins and the Lords of Xibalba. You do not have to be a 33rd Degree Mason to recognize the similarities between the Twin Towers and the sons of Hun Hunahpu. But, the meaning behind the events is spiritual, and that physical dimension is the forbidden city of the dead lords and gods. 

See  Liberty Shines Her Light Against the Smoke of Hell  to see the direct correlation between the events above and below New York City on September 11, 2001, and decide for yourself. As you read the essay, imagine that you are a puppeteer and you are manipulating the "spiritual dimension" by the manipulation of the "physical dimension" as you pull the strings on the celestial twins. The dualities of the event are mind-boggling; day "11", two jets, two towers, two brothers in the stars above, two fathers in the stars below, two ruling planets of the Underworld (Hades) and Time (Saturn), and on and on. The ancestors came up from the grave on September 11, 2001, and they screamed out to the manipulators of the spiritual and physical dimensions and said, "PAY ATTENTION!" On that morning, Venus crossed the boundary between Cancer and Leo, and the shadow of the earth spilled out of the cup of Aquarius. Coincidence? Could be. But, it was forecast over 5,000 years ago, and I doubt if the prophets knew that Manhattan Island would be sold for $18 in beads. 

Rush Allen

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  1. Hello Hari,

    A very interesting article. Here's some more astrological and symbolic insights that you should use in future related articles. It will also lead to some valuable insights for your work and focus.

    33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help Awaken World from Long Nightmare

    Peace and Wisdom...


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