Once upon a time , a great Emperor brought a new land under his control. He wanted it to be called pays de l'huile . The terre des produits chimiques , the land that was ruled him , was not ready to accept this new addition to their reign .His subjects did not want to extend their support to these new people. As time flew away , pays de l'huile was left on its own to face all the problems the future had in store for it .The people of this land stayed calm for all these years , but now things have changed. The people of 'terre des produits chimiques' celebrates a week to honour the might of their land and to have a battle of brains , every year. They collected taxes for the celebration ,from the people of pays de l'huile , but refused to honour their ideas and ridiculed them for their inability to gain fame and walk their way to glory . But this time , the people of pays de l'huile , refused to contribute and asked for proper explanation of all the expenses that ...