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Why so stupid ????


Boy 1 : Hey ! Nice shirt dude .

Boy 2 : Thanks man . Its just 2500 bucks u know…pretty cheap actually .

Boy 1 : ( In his mind )– OMG!! he is gonna start it again .

Boy 2 : Its some American brand it seems …but very cheap .

Boy 1 : Oh ! ok da…I have got some work to do . See ya later . (and he runs , never turning back) .


This sort of conversation is common among girls too . You might have listened to such conversations or may be you would have been the victim of such morons .

How do you choose your clothing ?? . First comes the color , pattern/design , quality and finally the cost . But for many , this order is on the reverse . All they look for is a branded clothing and something costly (way too more than it actually deserves) . I agree than no one can compromise with the quality but claiming that only the branded stuff , preferably international , provides you with the best quality is totally absurd .

The hilarious part is that , they choose stuff , which shows off the brand logo in a brighter way , so that people will notice . The want the panther / tiger jumping big time , in their tees , not at the back of your neck where it actually should be . This is not only the case with clothing , but applies for other accessories too .


This made many international brands to open as many outlets as possible in the major cities in hope that they will do better business . But ,  people proved them wrong . This brand frenzy attitude , has brought duplicates to lime light . The branded stuff , which was once common among the peter boys and mary girls , was made available to the common public . All those morons , who just wanted to show-off , opted for these look-alike stuff , which is way too cheaper than the original .

I misunderstood , that these people would stop with their shirts and pants , but their craziness went a bit deep too . They didn’t even leave inner-wears. A particular brand (very  famous one too) , has a collection which has words like , “license to kill” , “ Born to kill ” , etc., printed at the back of the briefs . And there are these stupids , who feel proud in wearing them and goes on telling everyone that ,

I have one from that collection u know ..!!! It has these words printed in it which is like totally cool and its just 500 bucks …”  .

Oh Come on !!! These guys never grow at all . Who cares what the hell is etched in their inners and that its costly ??!!??

Clothing or whatever – Quality is important , but definitely not this kind of stupid behavior .

Morons , straight out of kindergarten .


  1. Everyone has one of these. Bec. if we don't have such factions, we don't exist. Its a struggle to get recognised. to feel secure. Just so to say, why don't you like to be slightly rugged? You prefer being plush and posh in all that refers to you. Because its your identity. You made one for yourself just to be confident. I think brands are that way for people too.


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